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Kronos Workforce Telestaff Webinar: Your Road to Full Automation
Wed, September 23, 2020 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM CDT
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Straight from our team to yours.
First and foremost, we are are a software consulting firm with an experienced, dedicated technical team striving to provide the most efficient service possible. We specialize in upgrades, implementations, training, custom solutions and software development.
JK Seva’s highly collaborative and flexible work style does not seek to impose OUR solutions on clients. Rather, we listen to our clients and take the time to understand key objectives and critical processes. Only when we have clear insight to the challenges our clients face, do we use our extensive experience, best practices resources and multi-disciplinary skills to develop solutions quickly and efficiently and deliver the right solution the first time. We offer both Kronos Consulting and Infor/Lawson Consulting; at our core, we are a software consulting company.
Industry Leading Skills
Nullam faucibus purus est, ac maximus massa pharetra posuere. Sed porttitor quam eget odio rhoncus, quis commodo erat commodo. Vivamus velit elit, finibus non lectus sed, blandit ultrices dui. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In et metus eget nibh interdum mattis. Pellentesque leo massa, posuere vitae mauris a, iaculis dapibus ligula. Nunc in orci id felis eleifend vestibulum. Nulla facilisi. Donec elementum varius turpis quis posuere.
Fusce nec elit ut lorem tristique consectetur et at metus. Aliquam eros mauris, aliquet nec urna consectetur, condimentum ultricies nunc. Nam tincidunt est ac ante elementum tincidunt. Phasellus nisi orci, tristique eu blandit eu, lobortis vitae velit. Nullam cursus arcu eget placerat lacinia. Nulla facilisi. Donec elementum varius turpis quis posuere.
Build Your Future With Avada Education
Suspendisse sapien mauris, consequat nec pellentesque at, pharetra feugiat tortor. Donec lobortis lacinia mauris, luctus scelerisque ligula semper eu. Donec dictum et elit porttitor tincidunt. Duis leo nibh, accumsan vitae nibh id, mollis convallis nisl. Mauris varius cursus lorem at eleifend. Phasellus imperdiet, libero vel consectetur aliquam, justo massa feugiat dolor, id blandit nibh elit eget tortor. Sed lorem ipsum, rhoncus quis congue in, tristique id erat. Nunc ac congue mi. Curabitur ante ex, posuere quis tellus quis, convallis scelerisque dolor. Integer eu purus ut augue consectetur aliquet. Aliquam eu tortor gravida, elementum.
Nullam venenatis justo a porta faucibus. Sed accumsan nisl eget ligula iaculis tristique. Nulla eget bibendum neque. Duis eu rutrum augue. Sed quis feugiat felis. Curabitur non ornare urna, vel congue mauris. Nam tincidunt mattis ligula, non pharetra turpis posuere a. Nulla aliquet vitae quam vitae commodo. Cras ut metus nibh. Suspendisse congue velit dui, quis dictum tortor tincidunt. Aliquam vestibulum, quam nec elementum cursus, justo purus varius nisl, iaculis mattis lectus enim quis augue.
Webinar Presentors
“They always get back to us usually within a few hours. Anything that I have asked them for, I have been either able to receive or reports have been created.”
“They have all the skill sets needed for helping you with your projects. Anything on a technical side; upgrading LBI, upgrading/putting MSP on, ESP on, getting an upgrade done.”
“JK Seva are the go-to people for Lawson because they have been working in this environment and they know that technical nitty gritty stuff of how Lawson works.”
“They are true experts. It’s the same person for each module that I’ve worked with and they’ve learned our business model. They understand our objectives and help us meet that end goal. They’re worth every penny.”
“Work with JK Seva because they’re good at what they do and they get it done on time. We started with them probably nine years ago. Earlier on we shopped around for consultants. The pricing is very competitive and what you get for it is obviously top quality based on their experience.”
“Work with JK Seva because they’re extremely responsive and they will give you high value for the consulting fee and they are a great working partner on your project. If somebody were to say, ‘Oh if you had to make this decision all over again would you choose them again’ I’d say yes.”